

Eric (Gingy) Seaborg

Eric is a late 60s professional who resides in Maryland with his wife. He has a diverse career working for various public and private sector employers in a wide variety of occupations. He is also the creator and host of another current podcast called, Higher Education Renaissance. Beyond his day job and hosting his other podcast, you can find him following Thoroughbred racing and his horse racing partnership in addition to sitting at the computer designing and producing his photographic and video artwork. A lifelong love for animal welfare, and together with his wife Janet, they care for 3 rescued kitties. 


Jacquelyn (Jacqui) Paglialonga

Jacqui is an early 40s educator living in upstate New York with her daughter and polydactyl cat. When she isn't in the classroom teaching, Jacqui is studying for her certification in social work. She is involved with her community in many activities and clubs and in her free time, she is a lover of the Arts. A strong advocate of the theatre, Jacqui is a part-time actress, sings with her church choir, and hosts her one-woman ukulele sing-along on YouTube when she has time.